Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

A400E22 - 2FXO + 2FXS - PCI Express

Silahkan Hubungi Kami di :
 021-2262-0305 , 021-5043-3777 ( CS : Rosy ),
Technical : 088-1133-8475 ( Bapak Sam )
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Alamat : Mangga 2 Square, Lt. 3 No. A 286, Jakarta

A400E22 adalah buatan pabrik OpenVox yang terkenal di dunia karena kualitas premium, tahan lama, jarang rusak, suara jernih, performa sangat memuaskan.
A400E22 berisi 2FXO + 2 FXS, tipe card PCI Express
FXO untuk koneksi ke Telkom
FXS untuk koneksi ke Pesawat telp analog

More info

A400P/A400E is a modular analog telephony interface product. It is designed to be hardware compatible with Digium’s TDM400p. A400P/A400E must be used with FXO-100 or FXS-100 together to build a workable system. The FXO-100 and FXS-100 modules are also pin to pin compatible with X100M and S100M。
Key Benefits: Scalable: just add additional cards to extend system
Support PCI for A400P and PCI Express for A400E Be easy to use : full software and hardware compatible with Digium's TDM400P. You can use Diguim's X100M/S100M module on this card, or use our FXO-100/ FXS-100 Module on TDM400P
RoHS Compliant Certificates: CE and FCC

Segera Beli di :
Sophos Tehnology

Silahkan Hubungi Kami di :
 021-2262-0305 , 021-5043-3777 ( CS : Rosy ),
Technical : 088-1133-8475 ( Bapak Sam )
Website : /
Email :
Alamat : Mangga 2 Square, Lt. 3 No. A 286, Jakarta

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